
What Is the Catalog?

The Catalog is a global multi-tenant store of metadata with each organization’s information stored separately. This ensures that everyone in an organization can safely explore their data landscape by securely discovering information about connected data sources, how they are being used, and who to contact for more information while even pulling data into BI tools. To prevent unnecessary data duplication and complexity, the Catalog does not centrally store or manage data.

How Does the Catalog Support Finding & Using Data?

The Catalog provides an organization-specific directory of metadata that has a Google-style search layered on top. In addition to basic metadata, further context can be added and maintained within the Catalog.
Taking things a step further, actionable data is also supported by the Catalog through both BI connectivity as well as in the core Mendix Platform. For BI connectivity, the connection information may simply be copied and pasted directly into the BI tool of your choice.  To deliver truly actionable data, the Catalog is interactively usable directly within Mendix Studio Pro, allowing for relevant external data to be modeled with as external entities via simple draganddrop actions.

How Does the Catalog Support Data Governance & Trust?

The Catalog provides a full suite of metadata curation and management tools to support governance and trust without limiting productivity. First of all, Mendix provides a variety of ways to curate metadata, from simple descriptions and validation through business/technical ownership and custom tagging. For governance support, Mendix provides both rich administration capabilities as well as a basic form of dependency management through the Landscape.